Mon–Fri: 8am–5:30pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

(541) 276-3141
625 SW Emigrant Ave,
Pendleton, OR 97801

The Connection Between Exercise and Pet Health

Like humans, your pet needs daily exercise in order to stay in good physical and mental health. Exercise and attention can reduce your pet’s anxiety and stress levels, and lower his risk of depression. Exercise also improves cognitive function, reduces the risk of obesity, and improves their overall quality of life. If you aren’t sure if your pet is getting enough daily exercise, make an appointment with your veterinarian. 

Physical Health

Regular exercise helps your pet maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight gain and obesity. Obesity places added stress and strain on your pet’s bones, joints, muscles, limbs, and spine and can end up causing pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Obesity also increases your risk of health issues like diabetes, heart and liver disease, kidney problems, and arthritis.

Mental Health

Exercise also improves your pet’s mental health and helps him avoid stress and anxiety. Regular exercise can also improve your pet’s cognitive function and curb unwanted behaviors and aggression. Exercise and attention also reduce your pet’s risk of depression and mood disorders.

Behavioral Benefits

By making sure your pet gets enough exercise every day, you are redirecting his energy into something positive and constructive. If your pet has too much pent-up energy, he may direct it into destructive behaviors like barking, scratching, chewing, digging, or other problem behaviors.


Giving your pet daily exercise and attention is also a great way for you to maintain a strong bond with your pet. The time you spend exercising or playing with your pet will strengthen your relationship and ensure it remains healthy.

Maintaining Overall Wellness

Exercise and attention are essential for your pet’s physical and mental health and overall wellness. Setting aside 30 minutes to an hour of your day to play with your pet or take him on a walk can extend his lifespan and help him live a longer, happier, healthier life.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian today if you aren’t sure if your pet is getting enough exercise.